What is a TDD?

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This isn’t just a boundary…

TDD = Transit Development District

Goal = to promote Transit-Oriented Development

… the objective is to create a boundary calibrated specifically for each community based on analysis, areas of opportunity and the goals and visions of the community.

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About Transit Development Districts (TDD)

  • It is defined by a contiguous boundary drawn around a station area

  • It must be no more than 0.5 square miles (320 Acres) in area.

  • They provide economic tools and strategies to support local communities to implement high-quality transit-oriented development.

  • They capture the incremental growth in local income and property tax revenue, for use in public investment related to the station area.

  • After consultation with local communities, two public hearings must be held before the RDA approves the TDD boundaries for review and approval by the State Budget Committee.

Revenue Parameters

  • Revenue collected from the district is spent in the district.

  • Local community retains land use and zoning control.

What it is and what it isn’t.

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  • A special economic development district

  • Approved by the State Budget Committee

  • An effort to realize economic development in Northwest Indiana communities

  • Formed by a process that includes development analysis, community-wide input, best practices and market analysis

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  • Zoning or Comprehensive Planning

  • A city or town-sponsored planning process

  • Eminent Domain

  • A partnership with developer or realtor

  • A project designed to gentrify or to create low-income housing

  • NICTD South Shore Double Track or West Lake rail projects

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How does the TDD affect properties within the boundary?

Adaptive Reuse: the renovation and reuse of pre-existing structures for new purposes.

Preserve: sustain the existing form and/or integrity of a property which is important to the community.

Strengthen: identify key community assets and build upon them to provide a healthier and more robust context.

Infill: areas that have existing buildings or homes that just need new buildings built in the spaces in-between.

Redevelop: areas where the existing buildings are not the highest use for the area. Buildings would be torn down and new buildings put in their place.